Glossary of Terms2021-02-11T18:36:39+00:00

Non-compliance with the Community’s standards as dictated by the governing documents and guidelines, (i.e. not maintaining lawn or landscaping).

Survey Plat/Plot Plan2021-02-11T17:52:21+00:00

Certified drawing indicating the location of the home within the property lines, including the fence line boundaries.

Self Help Notice2021-02-11T17:52:00+00:00

Notification to advise the owner that the Association will be taking necessary action at the expense of the owner in complying with a violation.

Property Owner2021-02-11T17:51:31+00:00

Developer, builder or owner of record who holds the recorded title to a piece of property or lot.


Alteration, change, remodel, restoration, addition or renovation to any building, structure, fence, wall, landscaping or improvement project of any kind.

Inoperable Vehicle2021-02-11T17:51:05+00:00

Vehicle with flat tire(s), on blocks, with expired registrations and/or inspection stickers.


A monetary charge issued to an owner’s account when the violation process has been exhausted in accordance with governing documents.


Right granted by one property owner to another entity to allow access to a dedicated area.


Governing body that is in control of the Association until transition when the owners are in control of the decisions as they relate to the Community. Refers to the developer and any of its successors which are designated “Declarant” by the previous Declarant, in a recorded amendment to the declaration.


Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions are established protective standards, restrictions, and obligations in areas ranging from architectural control to prohibitions on various activities in order to promote harmonious living.


This refers to the Owners Association in which each owner of record is a member of an existing Texas not-for-profit corporation.


Committees & Forms Architectural Control Committee, Architectural Review Committee, Modifications Committee. These named forms are to be used when submitting plans and applications for the construction or modification of improvements within the property.

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